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Writer's pictureMarc Lalonde

Gratitude and perspective can help you have courage

Updated: Oct 5

It’s amazing how things can change in the blink of an eye when you have gratitude

Perspective is everything.

A few weeks back I was at my lowest of low. I was hurting, despondent and I felt unloved.

But through a series of fortunate events, I have discovered that not only am I loved, I’m loved more than I can possibly imagine.

And boy, oh, boy, what a feeling.

The simple fact of life is that being grateful for what we have is the key to being content with what we don’t have. There are certain things in my life I’d like to have, but I don’t have them right now for one reason or another.

That’s OK. That’s the way of the universe.

I’m so grateful to be able to have the strength to cut toxic people out of my life, such as I did this week. Tired of a one-sided friendship, I cut that toxic friend out. It was easier than I thought it might be. So very easy, I once thought I wouldn’t be able to face life without this friend, but letting them walk their own selfish path felt easy.

I’m proud of myself. Way to go, me.

Sometimes it means calling on the greatest angels of our existence. Sometimes they answer, but mostly, they don't.

It turns out angels might not exist, after all.

I’m grateful to my family for their support in helping me see my own considerable value. I’m grateful for new friends who are as kind to me as I am to them. I'm grateful to my Lakeshore Cougars family as we approach opening day of the 2024 football season. I'm coaching two teams -- the bantams, which my son plays on -- and the midget team comprised of 16- and 17-year-olds. I'm grateful for the players I work with every day, for they give me energy and help me carry on when things feel heavy.

Gratitude for what you have is everything. I truly appreciate my client Sandra, who brings me such joy

Saying good riddance to toxic people is so important. When you sit back and realize how much you give of yourself to so many -- at least I do, anyway. which should change but that's just how I roll -- then you also have to examine your relationships and wonder if they are returning anything at all to you. I realize how much I wanted to spend time with my friend and even their family, too, but there's only so much you can do when you feel like it's not being reciprocated.

That's the word of wisdom for today. Let your relationships be reciprocated!

Also, get into the gym!

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